Italian High Renaissance Painter, 1483-1520 Italian painter and architect. As a member of Perugino's workshop, he established his mastery by 17 and began receiving important commissions. In 1504 he moved to Florence, where he executed many of his famous Madonnas; his unity of composition and suppression of inessentials is evident in The Madonna of the Goldfinch (c. 1506). Though influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's chiaroscuro and sfumato, his figure types were his own creation, with round, gentle faces that reveal human sentiments raised to a sublime serenity. In 1508 he was summoned to Rome to decorate a suite of papal chambers in the Vatican. The frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura are probably his greatest work; the most famous, The School of Athens (1510 C 11), is a complex and magnificently ordered allegory of secular knowledge showing Greek philosophers in an architectural setting. The Madonnas he painted in Rome show him turning away from his earlier work's serenity to emphasize movement and grandeur, partly under Michelangelo's High Renaissance influence. The Sistine Madonna (1513) shows the richness of colour and new boldness of compositional invention typical of his Roman period. He became the most important portraitist in Rome, designed 10 large tapestries to hang in the Sistine Chapel, designed a church and a chapel, assumed the direction of work on St. Peter's Basilica at the death of Donato Bramante,

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RAFFAELLO Sanzio Madonna and Child with the Infant St John oil

Madonna and Child with the Infant St John
Painting ID::  63546
Madonna and Child with the Infant St John
1508 Tempera and oil on wood Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest Raphael, perhaps the most popular and widely appreciated master of Renaissance Italy, was a man of many talents. He succeeded Bramante as architect of St Peter's and was surveyor of excavations of the antiquities of Ancient Rome, as well as producing monumental frescoes and outstanding religious compositions and portraits. It is as a painter of Madonnas, however, that he is most widely known, and his unrivalled popularity with succeeding generations has been mainly due to the harmony and beauty of these paintings. He depicted Mary as a heavenly being who was yet flesh and blood: in half-length or full-length pictures she is seen enthroned or floating through the heavens, against a landscape background or in some interior scene, alone with her Child or in the company of saints

RAFFAELLO Sanzio The Miraculous Draught of Fishes oil

The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
Painting ID::  63776
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
1519 Tapestry in silk and wool, with silver-gilt threads, height 490 cm, width 441 cm Musei Vaticani, Vatican The tapestry was made by Pieter van Aelst, after a cartoon by Raphael Sanzio. Luke (5:1-11) recounts how Jesus, sitting in a boat, began teaching the multitudes on the shore. Then he asked Simon Peter to head towards deep water and cast the fishing nets again. Peter obeyed and they caught such a large amount of fish, that the nets began to break. They called for help and they filled both boats, so that they began to sink. Simon Peter fell down at Jesus' feet, saying "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!". For amazement had seized him and also James, son of Zebedee, his brother John and all their companions, because of the catch of fish which they had taken. And Jesus said to Simon "Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men." In the background, one can recognize the Vatican hill, with the towers along the wall of Leo IV, and Saint Peter's under construction. The cranes in the foreground, symbols of vigilance, are contrasted with the seagulls that allude to sin and apostasy. In the lower border two episodes in the life of Giovanni de'Medici (Pope Leo X) are depicted: on the left, his retinue, as he arrives in Rome for the conclave. On the right, the election of March 11, 1513. The border simulates a relief and is executed in chiaroscuro. Raphael's designs revolutionized the tradition of tapestry weaving, for they required a faithful rendering of atmosphere, light, textures, and pictorial form that had never been seen in this medium before. Here, for the first time, the usual monochrome background, or one depicting flowers and small ornaments, was abandoned in favour of a genuine pictorial space, in which the figures could move about.Artist:RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: The Miraculous Draught of Fishes Painted in 1501-1550 , Italian - - graphics : religious

RAFFAELLO Sanzio Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami oil

Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami
Painting ID::  63777
Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami
1515-16 Oil on wood, 91 x 61 cm Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence This portrait shows the eminent man of letters and librarian of Pope Leo X with an absorbed expression, in the act of writing. It is assumed that Inghirami worked with Raphael on the program of the Stanza della Segnatura. The portrait is an exceptional work for its fullness of vision and vibrant colours, without being excessively grandiose or dramatic. There are two extant versions: one in Boston and the other in Palazzo Pitti. Each has been considered the original at one time or another, but the dispute is useless, since both are highly coherent and the differences between them are slight: the physical structure of the Cardinal is more massive in the Boston portrait and leaner in the Pitti one. It is accepted by some experts that both versions are the work of Raphael, the Boston version being the earlier from 1512-14. The red of the Cardinal's clothing dominates both. Inghirami's crossed eyes, a physical defect which the artist does not leave out, acquire a discreet tone which almost dissolves in the inspired pose of the figure. Without idealizing, but also without falling into unpleasant naturalism, Raphael maintains a harmonic equilibrium between realism and dignified celebration, a primary characteristic of portrait painting.Artist:RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: Cardinal Tommaso Inghirami Painted in 1501-1550 , Italian - - painting : portrait

RAFFAELLO Sanzio St Michael and the Satan oil

St Michael and the Satan
Painting ID::  63778
St Michael and the Satan
1518 Oil transferred from wood to canvas, 268 x 160 cm Mus?e du Louvre, Paris The painting was a gift from the pope to the French king, Francis I. It was generally accepted that the painting is the work of Giulio Romano with the contribution of Raphael. It is now debated whether the work may not in fact be by Raphael after all, the stylistic anomalies being attributable to poor restoration techniques.Artist:RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: St Michael and the Satan Painted in 1501-1550 , Italian - - painting : religious

RAFFAELLO Sanzio The Sistine Madonna oil

The Sistine Madonna
Painting ID::  63779
The Sistine Madonna
1513-14 Oil on canvas Gem?ldegalerie, Dresden Generations of visitors to the Gem?ldegalerie in Dresden have been deeply impressed by the way in which Raphael portrayed the Madonna in this painting. It has been reproduced over and over again, and almost everyone is familiar with the putti leaning on the balustrade.Artist:RAFFAELLO Sanzio Title: The Sistine Madonna (detail) Painted in 1501-1550 , Italian - - painting : religious

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     RAFFAELLO Sanzio
     Italian High Renaissance Painter, 1483-1520 Italian painter and architect. As a member of Perugino's workshop, he established his mastery by 17 and began receiving important commissions. In 1504 he moved to Florence, where he executed many of his famous Madonnas; his unity of composition and suppression of inessentials is evident in The Madonna of the Goldfinch (c. 1506). Though influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's chiaroscuro and sfumato, his figure types were his own creation, with round, gentle faces that reveal human sentiments raised to a sublime serenity. In 1508 he was summoned to Rome to decorate a suite of papal chambers in the Vatican. The frescoes in the Stanza della Segnatura are probably his greatest work; the most famous, The School of Athens (1510 C 11), is a complex and magnificently ordered allegory of secular knowledge showing Greek philosophers in an architectural setting. The Madonnas he painted in Rome show him turning away from his earlier work's serenity to emphasize movement and grandeur, partly under Michelangelo's High Renaissance influence. The Sistine Madonna (1513) shows the richness of colour and new boldness of compositional invention typical of his Roman period. He became the most important portraitist in Rome, designed 10 large tapestries to hang in the Sistine Chapel, designed a church and a chapel, assumed the direction of work on St. Peter's Basilica at the death of Donato Bramante,

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