Wholesale China OIl Painting, Picture Frame, Mirror



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Wholesale china oil painting from China  - We are manufacturer and wholesale / supply ONLY 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas. China Oil paintings could be impressionist or impression, still life, classical or academic people, abstract, jewish or jew, male or female body nude, portrait by photo, lempicka, landscape, arab or arabic, flower or floral or fruit, seascape, modern portrait, venice street scenes, mediterranean, paris street scene, harbour, gardensetc, original, contemporary, orientalist. The old maters of china oil painting are Picasso, Renaissance, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Mona Lisa,  Michelangelo, Leonard de Vinci, Rembrandt, Thomas Kinkade, and abstract of china oil painting like Salvador Dali, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Degas, Roybal, Gustav Klimt, Matisse, etc, etc. Now we have list more than 2,00 artists and more than 100,000 different pictures of china oil paintings online and we are still expanding every day ... ... 

Lilian Hawkins Lucien Levy Luis Ricardo Falero Macnair Herbert Manet Edouard Margaret Macdonald Marianne Stokes Marie Spartali Stillman Martin Henri Martin John Mary F Raphael Maurice William Greiffenhagen Maxfield Parrish Maximilian Lenz Maxwell Armfield Mikhail Vrubel Millet Modigliani Amedel Monet Claude Oscar Moreau Gustave Moreau Nils Blommer Noe Bordignon Noei Laura Nisbet Odilon Redon Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan Paul Delaroche Paul Albert Steck Paul Prosper Tillier Philip Burne Pierre Puvis Pierre Auguste Cot Pissarrow Camille Pinckney Marcius Portrait by Photo Rackham Arthur Reginald Arthur Renoir Pierre Auguste Richard Dadd Robert Bateman Robert Anning Bell Rossetti Rowland Wheelwright Roy Lichtenstein Rubens Peter Paul Ryland Henry Salvador Dali Samuel Palmer Schiele Seon Alexandre Sergius Hruby Serymour Garstin Harvey Seurat Georges Sidney Harold Meteyard Siemiradzki enryk Hector Sigismund Christian Hubert Simeon Solomon Sir Edward Burne Sir Edward Jhon Poynter Sir Frank


本工作室位于中国大陆的福建省,厦门市.我们有专门的工作经验达10年以上的画家. 他们都是从正规的艺术学院毕业的大学生, 有接受正规的油画基础和油画理论的学习, 再加上丰富的创作经历, 所以我们只提供最好的油画作品. 如果你有任何问题, 请联系这里. 



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