Wholesale China Mirror Directly From China Factory

Franz Marc Sleeping Deer (mk34)
Framed Painting ID: Ta077-2---24796
Franz Marc Sleeping Deer (mk34)
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory.
Paul Gauguin The Girl Holding fan
Framed Painting ID: Ta077-2---48770
Franz Marc Sleeping Deer (mk34)
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory..
Mary Cassatt the girl wearing the white bonnet
Framed Painting ID: Ta077-2---49868
Franz Marc Sleeping Deer (mk34)
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory.
Framed Mirror
mirror is 5 mm thickness and beveled
Ready to be hanged!
Order it from China Frame Factory.

String and hook included

Ta077-2 Mould
String and hook included

Ta077-2 Corner
String and hook included

If you order framed oil paintings from China facotry directly,
the amount of only frames must $500 at least. The detail of freight is here.

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Wholesale China Mirror Directly From China Factory