Wholesale China Mirror Directly From China Factory

Karl Briullov Portrait of Fanni Persiani-Tachnardi as Amina in bellini-s opera la sonnabula
Framed Painting ID: Ta042g---39536
Karl Briullov Portrait of Fanni Persiani-Tachnardi as Amina in bellini-s opera la sonnabula
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory.
Claude Monet Suzanne Reading and Blanche Painting by the Marsh at Giverny
Framed Painting ID: Ta042g---51881
Karl Briullov Portrait of Fanni Persiani-Tachnardi as Amina in bellini-s opera la sonnabula
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory..
Thomas Eakins Landscape
Framed Painting ID: Ta042g---36003
Karl Briullov Portrait of Fanni Persiani-Tachnardi as Amina in bellini-s opera la sonnabula
String and hook included
Order it from China Frame Factory.
Framed Mirror
mirror is 5 mm thickness and beveled
Ready to be hanged!
Order it from China Frame Factory.

String and hook included

Ta042g Mould
String and hook included

Ta042g Corner
String and hook included

If you order framed oil paintings from China facotry directly,
the amount of only frames must $500 at least. The detail of freight is here.

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Wholesale China Mirror Directly From China Factory