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The Virgin and Child with St. Anne - Bernardino Lanino |
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne - Defendente Ferrari |
The Virgin and Child with St. George and St. Anthony the Abbot - PISANELLO |
The Virgin and Child with St. John childhood - Andrea del Sarto |
The Virgin and Child with St. John childhood, as well as two angels - Andrea del Sarto |
The Virgin and child with St.Anne - Albrecht Durer |
The Virgin and Child with St.Anthony of Padua and Saint Roch - Giorgione |
The Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John and a Female Saint or Donor - Titian |
The Virgin and Child with the infant Saint John the Baptist - Raphael |
The Virgin and Child with the Magadalen and Saint John the Baptist - Andrea Mantegna |
The Virgin and Child with the Saints George and Anthony Abbot - PISANELLO |
The Virgin and Child with the Saints George and Anthony Abbot (mk08) - PISANELLO |
The Virgin and Child with Three Angels - BOTTICELLI, Sandro |
The Virgin and Child with Two Angels and the Young St John the Baptist - BOTTICELLI, Sandro |
The Virgin and St Anne - LEONARDO da Vinci |
The Virgin and St Anne (mk08) - LEONARDO da Vinci |
The Virgin and St Francis of Assisi - unknow artist |
The Virgin and the Child - Petrus Christus |
The Virgin and the Child 2 - Pietro Perugino |
The Virgin and the Child Before a Fire Screen - Robert Campin |
The Virgin and the Child with Angels - BAGLIONE, Giovanni |
The Virgin and the Child with Saints George and Anthony Abbot - Antonio Pisanello |
The Virgin and the Child with Two Saints - Giovanni Bellini |
The Virgin and the Nino - Hans Holbein |
The Virgin and the Nino - Mikhail Vrubel |
The Virgin and the Nino acompanados for two angeles, Holy Rose and Holy Catalina - Pietro vannucci called IL perugino |
The Virgin and the Nino in the glory with Holy Maria Mary magdalene, San Bernardo and angeles - Francesco Botticini |
The Virgin and the Nino with Holy Ana - LEONARDO da Vinci |
The Virgin Annunciate - Francesco Morone |
The Virgin Annunciate - Melozzo da Forli |
The Virgin Appearing to Dominican Saints - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo |
The Virgin Appearing to St Hyacinth fdg - CARRACCI, Lodovico |
The VIrgin Appearing to ST Luke and ST Catherine (mk05) - Annibale Carracci |
The Virgin Appearing to St Philip Neri - Giovanni Battista Tiepolo |
The Virgin Appearing to St Philip Neri 1740 - TIEPOLO, Giovanni Domenico |
The Virgin Appearing to St Philip Neri a - PIAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista |
The Virgin Appearing to St. Philip Neri - PIAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista |
The Virgin Appearing to Sts John the Baptist and John the Evangelist dfg - DOSSI, Dosso |
The Virgin appears before San Lucas and Holy Catalina - Annibale Carracci |
The Virgin Appears to a Dominican Monk in Seriano - Maino, Juan Bautista del |
The Virgin Appears to Pope Callistus lll - SANO di Pietro |
The Virgin Appears to St Bernard - Fra Filippo Lippi |
The Virgin Appears to Sts Luke and Catherine - CARRACCI, Annibale |
the virgin appears to the monks of soriano - Francisco de Zurbaran |
the virgin as a girl, praying - Francisco de Zurbaran |
The Virgin as Mater Dolorosa - Albrecht Durer |