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      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St John the Baptist (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Madonna and Child Enthroned with Stephen,St John the Baptist,Francesco di Marco Datini and Four Buonomini of the Hospital of the Ceppo of Prato (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Trinity with Sts Mamas,James the Great,Zeno and Jerome, (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Jerome and the Lion (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Amhony Abbot (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Michael (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Sts Francis,Lawrence,Cosmas or Damian,John the Baptist,Damian or Cosmas,Anthony Abbot and Peter (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Annunciation (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Annunciation (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Death of St Jerome. (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Death of St Jerome. (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Adoration of the Magi (Here)
      DOMENICO VENEZIANO -- The Adoration of the Magi (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Adoration of the Infant jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Adoration of the Infant jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Adoration of the Infant Jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Adoration of the Infant Jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Adoration of the Infant Jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Adoration of the Infant Jesus (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Adoration of the Infant Jesus with St George and St Vincent Ferrer (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Annunciation with Donor (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Madonna and Child with the Birth of the Virgin and the Meeting of Joachim and Anna (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Madonna and Child with Two Angels, (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of Madonna and Child with Two Angels (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Madonna and Child (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Dominic (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Matthew. (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Mark. (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Luke Prato,cathedral of Santo Stefano,choir chapel (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St John the Evangelist. (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Giovanni Gualberto (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- St Alberto fo Trapani (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Birth and Infancy of St Stephen (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Birth and Naming of St John the Baptist (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Mission of St Stephen (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Mission of St John the Bapitst (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Celebration of the Relics of St Stephen and Part of the Martyrdom of St Stefano (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Feast of Herod (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Martyrdom of St Stephen (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Beheading of St John (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of the Naming of t John the Baptist (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of St John beids farewell to his parents (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Mission of St John the Bapitst (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Feast of Herod (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Feast of Herod (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Mission of St Stephen (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Celebration of the Relics of St Stephen and Part of the Martyrdom of St Stefano (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Celebration of the Relics of St Stephen and Part of the Martyrdom of St Stefano (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Celebration of the Relics of St Stephen and Part of the Martyrdom of St Stefano (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Prato Master,St Stephen Preaching to the Pharisees (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Coronation of the Virgin (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Coronation of the Virgin (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Coronation of the Virgin (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Annunciation (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Annunciation (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Murals at Prato and Spoleto (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- Details of The Murals at Prato and Spoleto (Here)
      Fra Filippo Lippi -- The Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds (Here)
      Jan Brueghel The Elder -- Orpheus in the Underworld (Here)
      Jan Brueghel The Elder -- Landscape with a Ford (Here)

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