Le Pétrole en gros de Chine Peignant le Miroir de Cadre Moulant

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Artist: Franz Marc
Franz Marc Tyrol (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Tyrol (mk09)
c 1913/14 Oil on canvas,135.7 x 144.5 cm Munich,Bayerische Staatsgemalde-sammlungen,Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst
ID de tableau::  21672
6889 ago.
Artist: Franz Marc
Painting: le Tyrol (mk09)
Information: le c 1913/14 Pétrole sur canvas,135.7 x 144,5 cm Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemalde-sammlungen, Staatsgalerie Kunst plus moderne

Artist: Otto Mueller
Otto Mueller Lovers (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Lovers (mk09)
1919 Distemper on burlap 106 x 80 cm Ravensburg,Private collection
ID de tableau::  21671
6889 ago.
Artist: Otto Mueller
Painting: les Amants (mk09)
Information: 1919 maladie decarré sur la toile à sac 106 x 80 cm Ravensburg, la collection Privée

Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner The Street (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

The Street (mk09)
1908/19 Oil on canvas 150.5 x 200.4 cm New York,The Museum of Modern Art
ID de tableau::  21670
6889 ago.
Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Painting: La Rue (mk09)
Information: 1908/19 Pétrole sur le canevas 150,5 x 200,4 cm New York, Le Musée d - Art Moderne

Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner The Red Tower in Halle (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

The Red Tower in Halle (mk09)
1915 Oil on canvas,120 x 90.5 cm Essen,Museum Folkwang
ID de tableau::  21669
6889 ago.
Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Painting: La Tour Rouge dans Halle (mk09)
Information: 1915 Pétrole sur le canevas, 120 x 90,5 cmEssen, Folkwang de Musée

Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Negro Dance (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Negro Dance (mk09)
c 1911 Oil on canvas, 151.5 x 120 cm Dusseldorf,Kunstsamm-lung Notdrhein-Westfalen
ID de tableau::  21668
6889 ago.
Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Painting: la Danse Nègre (mk09)
Information: le c1911 Huilent sur le canevas, 151,5 x 120 cm Dusseldorf, Notdrhein-Westfalen du poumon par Kunstsamm

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky The Arrow (La Fleche) (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

The Arrow (La Fleche) (mk09)
1943 Oil on cardbard 42 x 58 cm Basle,Offentliche Kunstsammlung Basel,Kunstmuseum
ID de tableau::  21667
6889 ago.
Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Painting: La Flèche (La Fleche) (mk09)
Information: 1943 Pétrole sur cardbard 42 x 58 cm Bâle, Offentliche Kunstsammlung Bâle, Kunstmuseum

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky Sky-Blue (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Sky-Blue (mk09)
1940 Oil on canvas,100 x 73 cm Paris,Musee National d'Art Moderne,Centre Georges Pompidou
ID de tableau::  21666
6889 ago.
Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Painting: Bleu Ciel (mk09)
Information: 1940 Pétrole sur le canevas, 100 x 73 cm Paris, Musee National d - art plus Moderne, le CentreGeorge Pompidou

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation Gorge (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Improvisation Gorge (mk09)
1914 Oil on canvas,110 x 110 cm Munich,Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus
ID de tableau::  21665
6889 ago.
Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Painting: la Gorge d - Improvisation (mk09)
Information: 1914 Pétrole sur le canevas,110 x 110 cm Munich, Lenbachhaus d - im de Galerie de Stadtische

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky Study for Inprovisation 8 (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Study for Inprovisation 8 (mk09)
1910 Oil on cardboard on canvas 98 x 70 cm Winterthur,Kunstmuseum
ID de tableau::  21664
6889 ago.
Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Painting: Etudier pour Inprovisation 8 (mk09)
Information: 1910 Pétrole sur le carton sur le canevas 98 x 70 cm Winterthur, Kunstmuseum

Artist: Alexei Jawlensky
Alexei Jawlensky Woman with a Fan (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Woman with a Fan (mk09)
1909 Oil on cardboard,92 x 68 cm Wiesbaden,Museum Wiesbaden
ID de tableau::  21663
6889 ago.
Artist: Alexei Jawlensky
Painting: la Femme avec un Ventilateur (mk09)
Information: 1909 Pétrole sur le carton, 92 x 68 cm Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden de Musée

Artist: Umberto Boccioni
Umberto Boccioni The Noise of the Street Enters the House (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

The Noise of the Street Enters the House (mk09)
1911 Oil on canvas,100 x 106.5 cm Hanover,Sprengel Museum Hannover
ID de tableau::  21654
6889 ago.
Artist: Umberto Boccioni
Painting: Le Bruit de la Rue Entre la Maison (mk09)
Information: 1911 Pétrole sur le canevas, 100 x 106,5 cm Hanovre, Hannover de Musée de Sprengel

Artist: Umberto Boccioni
Umberto Boccioni State of Mind II The Farewells (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

State of Mind II The Farewells (mk09)
1911 Oil on canvas,71.2 x 94.2 cm New York,The Museum of Modern Art
ID de tableau::  21653
6889 ago.
Artist: Umberto Boccioni
Painting: l - Etat d - esprit deux Les Adieux (mk09)
Information: 1911 Pétrole sur canvas,71.2 x 94,2 cm New York, Le Muséed - Art Moderne

Artist: Delaunay, Robert
Delaunay, Robert Simulaneous Contrasts Sun and Moon (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Simulaneous Contrasts Sun and Moon (mk09)
c 1912/13 Oil on canvas,diameter 134.5 cm New York,The Museum of Modern Art
ID de tableau::  21651
6889 ago.
Artist: Delaunay, Robert
Painting: Simulaneous Contraste le Soleil et la Lune (mk09)
Information: le c 1912/13 Pétrole sur le canevas, le diamètre 134,5 cm New York, Le Musée d - Art Moderne

Artist: Delaunay, Robert
Delaunay, Robert Simultaneous Windows on the City (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Simultaneous Windows on the City (mk09)
1912 Oil on canvas and wood (painted frame),46 x 40 cm Hamburg,Hamburger Kunsthalle
ID de tableau::  21649
6889 ago.
Artist: Delaunay, Robert
Painting: WindowsSimultané sur la Ville (mk09)
Information: 1912 Pétrole sur le canevas et le bois (a peint frame),46 x 40 cm Hambourg, Kunsthalle d - Hamburger

Artist: Juan Gris
Juan Gris Dejeuner (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Dejeuner (mk09)
1915 Oil on charcoal on canvas,92 x 73 cm Paris,Musee National d'Art Moderne,Centre Georges Pompidou
ID de tableau::  21646
6889 ago.
Artist: Juan Gris
Painting: Dejeuner (mk09)
Information: 1915 Pétrole sur le charbon sur le canevas, 92 x 73 cm Paris, Musee National d - art plus Moderne, le Centre George Pompidou

Artist: Juan Gris
Juan Gris The Teacups (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

The Teacups (mk09)
1914 Papier colle,Oil and charcoal on canvas,65 x 92 cm Dusseldorf,Funstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
ID de tableau::  21645
6889 ago.
Artist: Juan Gris
Painting: Les Tasses à thé (mk09)
Information: 1914 Papier colle, le Pétrole et le charbon sur le canevas, 65 x 92 cm Dusseldorf, FunstsammlungNordrhein-Westfalen

Artist: James Ensor
James Ensor Skeletons Fighting for the Body of a Hanged Man (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Skeletons Fighting for the Body of a Hanged Man (mk09)
1891 Oil on canvas,59 x 74 cm Antwerp,Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten
ID de tableau::  21625
6889 ago.
Artist: James Ensor
Painting: les Squelettes Combattant pour le Corps d - un Homme Pendu (mk09)
Information: 1891 Pétrole sur le canevas, 59 x 74 cm Anvers, Koninklijk le Musée voor Schone Kunsten

Artist: Kasimir Malevich
Kasimir Malevich Suprematist Painting (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Suprematist Painting (mk09)
1916 Oil on canvas,88 x 70.5 cm Amsterdam,Stedelijk Museum
ID de tableau::  21624
6889 ago.
Artist: Kasimir Malevich
Painting: Suprematist Peignant (mk09)
Information: 1916Pétrole sur le canevas, 88 x 70,5 cm Amsterdam, le Musée de Stedelijk

Artist: Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian Broadway Boogie-Woogie (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Broadway Boogie-Woogie (mk09)
1942/43 Oil on canvas,127 x 127 cm New York,The MUseum of Modern Art
ID de tableau::  21623
6889 ago.
Artist: Piet Mondrian
Painting: le Boogie-woogie de Broadway (mk09)
Information: 1942/43 Pétrole sur le canevas, 127 x 127 cm New York, Le MUSEE d - Art Moderne

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky Untitled (mk09) oil painting picture wholesale

Untitled (mk09)
1910(1913) Pencil,Watercolour and ink on paper,49.6 x 64.8 cm Paris,Musee National d'Art Moderne Centre Georges Pompidou
ID de tableau::  21621
6889 ago.
Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Painting: sans titre (mk09)
Information: 1910(1913) le Crayon, l - Aquarelle et l - encre sur paper,49.6 x 64,8 cm Paris, Musee le Centre George Pompidou plus Moderne, d - art et National

précédent  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128  129   prochain  (Displayed as nearest added time.)

Huiler des Tableaux:: résumé

Xiamen Chine Pétrole en gros Peignant la Barre de Civière Cadre en gros Moulant le Miroir Tableaux Tendus Encadrés
