La Chine Pétrole en gros Peignant le Cadre Moulant Mirro Chine

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Gerard ter Borch the Younger Gerard ter Borch the Younger
painted Mother Combing the Hair of Her Child. in 1652
Gerard Thomas Gerard Thomas
painted The collector of tithes in 1663-1720
Gerda Tiren Gerda Tiren
painted Karin and Tippo in 1858-1928
Gerhard ter Borch Gerhard ter Borch
Giandomenico Tiepolo Giandomenico Tiepolo
Italian Rococo Era Painter , Venice 1727 - 1804
Gioacchino Toma Gioacchino Toma
Italian , Galatina 1836 - Napoli 1891
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Italian Rococo Era Painter, 1696-1770
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
(August 30, 1727 - March 3, 1804) was a Venetian painter and printmaker in etching. He was the son of artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and elder brother of Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo.. Domenico was born in Venice, studied under his father, and by the age of 13 was the chief assistant to him. He was one of the many assistants, including Lorenzo, that transferred the designs of his father (executed in the 'oil sketch' invented by the same). By the age of 20, he was producing his own work for commissioners. He assisted his father in Werzburg 1751-3, decorating the famous stairwell fresco, in Vicenza at the Villa Valmarana in 1757, and in Madrid at the palace of Charles III from 1762-70.
Giovanni Toscani Giovanni Toscani
Italian Painter, ca.1370-1430
Giovanni Tuccari Giovanni Tuccari
Giovanni Tuccari (1667-1743) was an Italian painter during the Baroque period, active in Sicily. Tuccari was born in Messina. He was the son and pupil of Antonio Tuccari, an obscure painter. He excelled as a battle painter. He died of the plague. He was responsible for the frescos in the Church of San Benedetto in Catania. Other examples of his work include four octagonal paintings in the sanctuary of the Church of S. Antonio, at Castiglione di Sicilia, and La Pinacoteca Zelantea gallery in Acireale.
Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis
French Neoclassical Painter, 1767-1824
Girolamo Troppa Girolamo Troppa
Girolamo Troppa (1637-1710) was an Italian painter of the Baroque. He was active in Rome. He was a follower of Carlo Maratti. He painted for the church of San Giacomo delle Penitenti, in competition with the son of Giovan Francesco Romanelli. He died in 1710.
Giuseppe Maria Terreni Giuseppe Maria Terreni
Italian , (1739-1811)
Gottfried Trimborn Gottfried Trimborn
painted Rheinfahre in 1920
Hans holbein the younger Hans holbein the younger
b. 1497, Augsburg, d. 1543, London
Hans Thoma Hans Thoma
German Symbolist Painter, 1839-1924
Harald Torsslow Harald Torsslow
(1838 -1909 ) - Painter
Harvey T. Dunn Harvey T. Dunn
American, 1884-1952
Helen Thomas Dranga Helen Thomas Dranga
Helen Thomas Dranga (1866-1940), who is also known as Carrie Helen Dranga, was a painter who was born Carrie Helen Tufts in Oxford, England. She lived in Oakland, California from 1894 until 1900, when she moved to Hilo, Hawaii. Her paintings regularly appeared on the cover of Paradise of the Pacific magazine in the 1920s and 1930s. She lived in Hilo until shortly before her death in 1940. The Honolulu Academy of Arts and the Lyman House Memorial Museum (Hilo, Hawaii) are among the public collections holding works by Helen Thomas Dranga
Hendrick ter Brugghen Hendrick ter Brugghen
(1588 - Nov 1, 1629) was a Dutch painter, and a leading member of the Dutch followers of Caravaggio ?? the so-called Dutch Caravaggisti. Little is known of the early life of ter Brugghen; he could have been born in The Hague, but his family seems to have moved to the strongly Catholic Utrecht in the early 1590s. Here he started painting at the age of thirteen, studying with Abraham Bloemaert. From Bloemaert, a Mannerist history painter, he learned the basics of the art. Around 1604, however, ter Brugghen travelled to Italy to expand his skills, a rather unusual move for Dutch painters at the time. He was in Rome in 1604, and could therefore have been in direct contact with Caravaggio.
Hendrick Terbrugghen Hendrick Terbrugghen
1588-1629 Dutch Hendrick Terbrugghen Galleries
Hendrick van Balen the Elder Hendrick van Balen the Elder
painted The Wedding of Thetis and Perseus with Apollo and the Concert of the Muses, or The Feast of the Gods in ca. 1618
Henri Testelin Henri Testelin
(Paris, 1616 - The Hague, 1695) was a French art painter. Henri Testelin made portraits of Louis XIV, important persons and events at the French court . Several of his paintings can be seen in the palace of Versailles. The portraits, like the one of the young Louis XIV, show the influence of Jean Nocret and Le Brun. He was secretary of Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture from 1650 and professor from 1656. In 1680 he published a book on art theory and the academy. Testelin was dismissed from the Academy in 1681, because he was proptestant. He left France and went to Holland.
Henry Ossawa Tanner Henry Ossawa Tanner
African-American Realist Painter, 1859-1937
Henry Scott Tuke Henry Scott Tuke
British Painter and photographer , 1858-1929
Henry Thomas Alken Henry Thomas Alken
HERRERA, Francisco de, the Elder HERRERA, Francisco de, the Elder
Spanish painter (b. ca. 1590, Sevilla, d. 1656, Madrid).
Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Thomas
American Painter, 1823-1890
Hippolyte Petitjean Hippolyte Petitjean
Hippolyte Petitjean (1854 - 1929)
Hughes Taraval Hughes Taraval
Ion Theodorescu Sion Ion Theodorescu Sion
Ion Theodorescu-Sion (1882-1939). Alternative names Onu Soare Teodor. Romanian painter.
J.J.Tissot J.J.Tissot
French 1836-1902
J.M.W. Turner J.M.W. Turner
English Romantic Painter, 1775-1851 landscape master
J.M.W.Turner J.M.W.Turner
English Romantic Painter, 1775-1851
J.Thornthwaite J.Thornthwaite
British.fl.late eighteenth century
Jacob Toorenvliet Jacob Toorenvliet
Leiden circa 1635-1719
Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto
1518-1594 Italian Tintoretto Galleries
Jacopo Tintoretto Jacopo Tintoretto
Jacopo Torriti Jacopo Torriti
Italian painter, Roman school active c. 1270-1300
James Jacques Joseph Tissot James Jacques Joseph Tissot
(15 October 1836 -- 8 August 1902) was a French painter. Tissot was born at Nantes. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Ingres, Flandrin and Lamothe, and exhibited in the Paris Salon for the first time at the age of twenty-three. In 1861 he showed The Meeting of Faust and Marguerite, which was purchased by the state for the Luxembourg Gallery. His first characteristic period made him a painter of the charms of women. Demi-mondaine would be more accurate as a description of the series of studies which he called La Femme a Paris.
James Joseph Jacques Tissot James Joseph Jacques Tissot
James Jacques Joseph Tissot (15 October 1836 - 8 August 1902) was a French painter, who spent much of his career in Britain. Tissot was born in Nantes, France. In about 1856, he began study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Hippolyte Flandrin and Lamothe, and became friendly with Edgar Degas and James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Tissot exhibited in the Paris Salon for the first time in 1859, two portraits of women and three scenes in medieval dress from Faust. The latter show the influence of the Belgian painter Henri Leys (Jan August Hendrik Leys), whom he had met in Antwerp in 1859. In the mid-1860s, however, Tissot began to concentrate on depicting women, often although not always shown in modern dress. Like contemporaries such as Alfred Stevens and Claude Monet, Tissot also explored japonisme, including Japanese objects and costumes in his pictures. A portrait of Tissot by Degas from these years (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) shows him with a Japanese screen hanging on the wall.
James Tissot James Tissot
French Painter, 1836-1902
Jan Brueghel The Elder Jan Brueghel The Elder
Flemish Baroque Era Painter, 1568-1625
Jan Brueghel the Younger Jan Brueghel the Younger
(September 13, 1601 C September 1, 1678) was a Flemish Baroque painter, and the son of Jan Brueghel the Elder. He was trained by his father and spent his career producing works in a similar style. Along with his brother Ambrosius, he produced landscapes, allegorical scenes and other works of meticulous detail. Brueghel also copied works by his father and sold them with his father's signature. His work is distinguishable from that of his parent by being less well executed and lighter. Jan the Younger was traveling in Italy when his father died of cholera and swiftly returned to take control of the Antwerp studio. He soon established himself and was made dean of the Guild of Saint Luke in 1630. That same year he was commissioned by the French court to paint Adam Cycle. In the following years, he also produced paintings for the Austrian court, and worked independently in Paris, before returning to Antwerp in 1657. He collaborated with a number of prominent artists including Rubens, Hendrick van Balen (1575-1632), Adriaen Stalbemt (1580-1682), Lucas Van Uden (1596-1672), David Teniers the Younger and his father-in-law Janssen. Jan the Younger's best works are his extensive landscapes, either under his own name or made for other artists such as Hendrick van Balen as backgrounds.

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La Chine Pétrole en gros Peignant le Cadre Pétrole de Cadre en gros Peignant la Vente en gros de Miroir en gros Moulant la Peinture à l'huile de Chine de Cadre d'Image chinoise