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Petrich, Soma Orlai Petrich, Soma Orlai
Hungarian, 1822-1880
Petrie, George Petrie, George
Irish, 1790-1866
Petrov-Vodkin, Kozma Petrov-Vodkin, Kozma
Russian Painter, 1878-1939
Petrus Christus Petrus Christus
Flemish 1415-1473 Petrus Christus Locations
Philip Alexius de Laszlo Philip Alexius de Laszlo
Philip Alexius de Laszlo, MVO (30 April 1869 Budapest - 22 November 1937 London) was a Hungarian painter known particularly for his portraits of royal and aristocratic personages. Laszlo was born in Budapest as Laub Fulop Elek (Hungarian style with the surname first), the eldest son of a Jewish tailor. The family changed its name to Laszlo in 1891. As a young man, Laszlo apprenticed to a photographer while studying art, eventually earning a place at the National Academy of Art, where he studied under Bertalan Szekely and Karoly Lotz. He followed this with studies in Munich and Paris. Laszlo's portrait of Pope Leo XIII earned him a Grand Gold Medal at the Paris International Exhibition in 1900. In 1903 Laszlo moved from Budapest to Vienna. In 1907 he moved to England. He remained based in London for the rest of his life while traveling the world to fulfill commissions. Laszlo's patrons awarded him numerous honors and medals. In 1909 he was named an honorary Member of the Royal Victorian Order by King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. In 1912 he was ennobled by King Franz Joseph of Hungary; his surname became "Laszlo de Lombos". The family later shortened the name to "de Laszlo". Laszlo became a British citizen in 1914 but was interned for over twelve months in 1917 and 1918 during the First World War.
Philip Charles Hardwick Philip Charles Hardwick
English architect , (1822-1892),
Philip de Laszlo Philip de Laszlo
MVO (born 30 April 1869, Budapest - died 22 November 1937, London) was a Hungarian painter known particularly for his portraits of royal and aristocratic personages. Leszle was born in Budapest as Laub Felöp Elek (Hungarian style with the surname first), the eldest son of a Jewish tailor. The family changed its name to Leszle in 1891. He apprenticed at an early age to a photographer while studying art, eventually earning a place at the National Academy of Art, where he studied under Bertalan Szekely and Keroly Lotz. He followed this with studies in Munich and Paris. Leszle's portrait of Pope Leo XIII earned him a Grand Gold Medal at the Paris International Exhibition in 1900. In 1903 Leszle moved from Budapest to Vienna. In 1907 he moved to England and remained based in London for the remainder of his life, although traveling the world to fulfill commissions.
Philip Hermogenes Calderon Philip Hermogenes Calderon
English genre, portraits, domestic and historical scenes Painter, 1833-1898
Philip James de Loutherbourg Philip James de Loutherbourg
1740-1812 French (Resident in UK) Philip James de Loutherbourg Gallery
Philip Leslie Hale Philip Leslie Hale
Philip Reinagle Philip Reinagle
1802-1835 British Philip Reinagle Gallery
Philip Wilson Steer Philip Wilson Steer
English Painter, 1860-1942
Philipe Mercier Philipe Mercier
Philippe Mercier (also known as Philip Mercier) (Berlin, 1689 - London, 18 July 1760) was a French painter and etcher, who lived principally and was active in England. He was born in Berlin of French extraction, the son of a Huguenot tapestry-worker. He studied painting at the Akademie der Wissenschaften of Berlin[1] and later under Antoine Pesne, who had arrived in Berlin in 1710. Later, he traveled in Italy and France before arriving in Londone"recommended by the Court at Hannover"eprobably in 1716. He married in London in 1719 and lived in Leicester Fields. He was appointed principal painter and librarian to the Prince and Princess of Wales at their independent establishment in Leicester Fields, and while he was in favor he painted various portraits of the Royalties, and no doubt many of the nobility and gentry. Of the Royal portraits, those of the Prince of Wales and of his three sisters, painted in 1728, were all engraved in mezzotint by Jean Pierre Simon, and that of the three elder children of the Prince of Wales by the John Faber Junior in 1744. This last was a typical piece of Mercier's composition, the children being made the subject of a spirited, if somewhat childish, allegory in their game of play. Prince George is represented with a firelock on his shoulder, teaching a dog his drill, while his little brother and sister are equally occupied in a scene that is aptly used to point a patriotic moral embodied in some verses subjoined to the plate
Philipp Hieronymus Brinckmann Philipp Hieronymus Brinckmann
(or Brinkman,) a German painter and engraver, was born at Spires in 1709. He was a pupil of J. G. Dathan. His favourite subjects were landscapes, but he also painted historical subjects and portraits; in some of the latter he imitated the force and colouring of Rembrandt. He was painter to the Court, and keeper of the Gallery at Mannheim, where he died in 1761. In the Städel at Frankfort is a 'Swiss Landscape' signed P. H. Brinckmann fecit, 1745. He etched some plates in a picturesque and spirited style.
Philipp Otto Runge Philipp Otto Runge
German Romantic Painter, 1777-1810
Philipp Peter Roos Philipp Peter Roos
(later surnamed Rosa di Tivoli; 1651-1706), was a German Baroque painter. He was born in Frankfurt am Main and learned to paint from his father, the landscape painter Johann Heinrich Roos.He was the brother of the painter Johann Melchior Roos, who briefly worked with him in Italy. As a young man, he painted in the style of his father. He was called to paint for Charles I, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, who liked him so much, he gave him a sum of money to travel to Rome with,which he did in 1677. He became a member of the Bentvueghels with the nickname "Mercury" and earned money making small paintings and sketches for tourists. He fell in love with the daughter of Giacinto Brandi, whom he later married. They lived in a large house in Tivoli, near Rome, whence his surname. In Tivoli, they kept a menagerie of various animals so Roos could draw from live poses. This house was called the "Noah's Ark" by their friends. In his Italian style, he painted life-size figures and animals in a broad manner and a heavy brown tone.
Philipp veit Philipp veit
1793??1877) was a German Romantic painter
Philippe de Momper Philippe de Momper
Antwerp circa 1610/15-1675
Philippe Jacques Philippe Jacques
Philippe Mercier Philippe Mercier
(also known as Philip Mercier) (Berlin, 1689 - London, 18 July 1760) was a French painter and etcher, who lived principally and was active in England. He was born in Berlin of French extraction, the son of a Huguenot tapestry-worker. He studied painting at the Akademie der Wissenschaften of Berlin[1] and later under Antoine Pesne, who had arrived in Berlin in 1710. Later, he traveled in Italy and France before arriving in Londone"recommended by the Court at Hannover"eprobably in 1716. He married in London in 1719 and lived in Leicester Fields. He was appointed principal painter and librarian to the Prince and Princess of Wales at their independent establishment in Leicester Fields, and while he was in favor he painted various portraits of the Royalties, and no doubt many of the nobility and gentry. Of the Royal portraits, those of the Prince of Wales and of his three sisters, painted in 1728, were all engraved in mezzotint by Jean Pierre Simon, and that of the three elder children of the Prince of Wales by the John Faber Junior in 1744. This last was a typical piece of Mercier's composition, the children being made the subject of a spirited, if somewhat childish, allegory in their game of play. Prince George is represented with a firelock on his shoulder, teaching a dog his drill, while his little brother and sister are equally occupied in a scene that is aptly used to point a patriotic
Philippe Rousseau Philippe Rousseau
Paris 1816 - Acquigny 1887. French Painter.
Philips Koninck Philips Koninck
1619-1688 Dutch Philips Koninck Gallery
Philips Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman
Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1619-1668
Phillips, Ammi Phillips, Ammi
American Folk Artist, 1788-1865
Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Thomas
English, 1770-1845
Phoebe Traquair Phoebe Traquair
The leading artist the Arts and Crafts movement in Edinburgh at the turn of the century , (1852-1936)
Phoebus Levin Phoebus Levin
fl. 1836-1878 was born in Berlin but exhibited in London from 1855-1878
PIAZZA, Callisto PIAZZA, Callisto
Italian painter, Lombard school (b. ca. 1500, Lodi, d. ca. 1561, Lodi)
PIAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista PIAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista
Italian Rococo Era Painter, ca.1683-1754
Picknell, William Lamb Picknell, William Lamb
American, 1853-1897
PIENEMAN, Jan Willem. PIENEMAN, Jan Willem.
b. 1779, Abcoude, d. 1853, Amsterdam
Pier Francesco Cittadini Pier Francesco Cittadini
Italian, 1616-1681
Pier Francesco Guala Pier Francesco Guala
(15 September 1698 - 27 February 1757), also known as Pierfrancesco and Pietro Francesco, was an eighteenth-century Italian painter active for the most part in the region of his place of birth, Casale Monferrato. Guala was the seventh of eight siblings of whom only he and a sister survived infancy. His mother died when he was five and he was brought up by his father, Lorenzo, who himself was a painter and perhaps related to the architect Sebastiano Guala. Pier Francesco Guala died in Milan on 27 February 1757.
Pier Francesco Mola Pier Francesco Mola
(9 February 1612 - 13 May 1666) was an Italian painter of the High Baroque, mainly active around Rome. Mola was born at Coldrerio (now in Ticino, Switzerland). At the age of four, he moved to Rome with his father Giovanni Battista, a painter. With the exception of the years 1633 - 40 and 1641 - 47, during which he resided in Venice and Bologna, respectively, he lived for the rest of his life in Rome. His early training was with the late mannerist painter Cavalier D'Arpino, and he worked under the classicizing Francesco Albani. His masterpiece is the fresco in the gallery of Alexander VII in the Quirinal Palace Gallery, entitled Joseph making himself known to his Brethren (1657). He made six versions of The Flight into Egypt, the earileist and best of which is the first one, The Rest on the Flight into Egypt. He was elected Principe of the Accademia di San Luca, the Roman artists' professional association, in 1662, but his last years were neither profitable nor prolific. One of his pupils was Antonio Gherardi. With his looser style and handling, more naturalistic palette, and interest in exploring landscape elements, Mola rebelled against the prevailing, highly-theoretical classicism of such leading 17th-century Roman painters as Andrea Sacchi.
Pier Leone Ghezzi Pier Leone Ghezzi
(Rome, 28 June 1674 - Rome, 6 March 1755) was an Italian Rococo painter and caricaturist active in Rome. Caricature of composer Antonio Vivaldi by Pier Leone GhezziGhezzi was born in Rome. His father, Giuseppe Ghezzi, (1634-1721), also trained Antonio Amorosi, and was a secretary to the Roman Accademia di San Luca. Pier Leone himself joined the Academy in 1705 and he executed a painting, the Allegory of Gratitude, to be donated to the institution, as was customary. He was the godson of Carlo Maratta. Pier Leone is known for his frescoes in the Villa Falconieri of Frascati. His pen and gouache caricatures are much freer in emotion than his state portraiture, and often depict named individuals or professions in satirical fashion.
Piero della Francesca Piero della Francesca
Italian Early Renaissance Painter, ca.1422-1492
Piero di Cosimo Piero di Cosimo
1462-1521 Italian Piero di Cosimo Galleries
piero ligorio piero ligorio
Ligorio was born in Naples. In 1534 he moved to Rome, where he developed his interest in antiquities, and was named superintendent to the ancient monuments by the Popes Pius IV and Paul IV. In 1549 he began excavations in the Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli and designed his masterwork, the water works at Villa d'Este, for Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este. He also played a role in designing the fountains at Villa Lante in Bagnaio, working alongside Vignola. His Mannerist taste is present also in the Casina Pio IV (also known as Villa Pia) at the Vatican (1559?C1562). In 1568 he was fired by Paul V for having criticized Michelangelo's work in St. Peter's Basilica, and moved to Ferrara, where he was guest of Duke Alfonso II d'Este. As a scholar of antiquities, one of his most famous published works is a map of ancient Rome (Antiquae Urbis Imago) from 1561. He died in Ferrara in 1583.
Piero pollaiolo Piero pollaiolo
Italian Early Renaissance Painter, ca.1441-1496
Piero Pollaiuolo Piero Pollaiuolo
(c. 1443 - 1496), also known as Piero Benci, was an Italian Renaissance painter from Florence. His brother was the artist Antonio del Pollaiolo and the two frequently worked together. Their work shows both classical influences and an interest in human anatomy; reportedly, the brothers carried out dissections to improve their knowledge of the subject. He died in Rome in 1496.
Pierre Albert Marquet Prints Pierre Albert Marquet Prints
French 1875- 1947
Pierre Auguste Cot Pierre Auguste Cot
(February 17, 1837 ?C 1883) was a French painter of the Academic Classicism school. He was born in B??darieux, and initially studied at l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse before going to Paris. He studied under Leon Cogniet, Alexandre Cabanel and William-Adolphe Bouguereau. From the 1870s, his popularity grew quickly. In 1874 he was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. He created several works of lasting popularity, including Le Printemps, featuring two young lovers sitting upon a swing, and The Storm. Both these paintings are on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City;
Pierre Bernard Pierre Bernard
(1704 -1777 ) - Drawer
Pierre Bonnard
French Nabi Painter, 1867-1947
Pierre de Valenciennes Pierre de Valenciennes
Toulouse 1750-Paris 1819
Pierre Edouard Frere Pierre Edouard Frere
(1819-1886), French painter, studied under Hippolyte Delaroche, entered the cole des Beaux-Arts in 1836 and exhibited first at the Salon in 1843. The marked sentimental tendency of his art makes us wonder at John Ruskin's enthusiastic eulogy which finds in Frere's work the depth of William Wordsworth, the grace of Joshua Reynolds, and the holiness of Fra Angelico. What we can admire in his work is his accomplished craftsmanship and the intimacy and tender homeliness of his conception. Among his chief works are the two paintings, Going to School and Coming from School, The Little Glutton (his first exhibited picture) and L'Exercice (in the 19th century this work was in John Jacob Astor's collection). A journey to Egypt in 1860 resulted in a small series of Orientalist subjects, but the majority of Frere's paintings deal with the life of the kitchen, the workshop, the dwellings of the humble, and mainly with the pleasures and little troubles of the young, which the artist brings before us with humor and sympathy. He was one of the most popular painters of domestic genre in the middle of the 19th century.
Pierre etienne theodore rousseau Pierre etienne theodore rousseau
Paris 1812-Barbizon 1867
Pierre Francois Eugene Giraud Pierre Francois Eugene Giraud
painted Gustave Flaubert vers in 1856

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China de Xiamen el Petróleo al por mayor que Pinta la Barra de Soga Marco al por mayor que Moldea el Espejo Pinturas Estiradas Encuadradas